
鱟總是一公一母出雙入對, 所以人們叫牠們"夫妻魚"
過往因為金門土地資源貧瘠, 人們常常捕捉鱟來食用, 導致鱟的數量越來越少. 不要在捕捉牠們, 讓牠們能在這座美麗的島嶼安居樂業.
Since a male and female horseshoe crab always appear together in pairs, some people also call the ‘lovebirds fish’ or ‘couple fish’.
Kinmen is so poor in resources that people used to catch horseshoe crabs to eat. So the number of horseshoe crabs is getting smaller and smaller. Do not catch them and let them live happily on the beautiful island.


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